Thursday, January 25, 2007

My New Home

Well, we moved. I no long have the chance of seeing the unicycling juggler. That's ok with me though. The house wasn't suiting us with everything that needed worked on there. We live in Delhi now, which is actually a township of Cincinnati, OH. It's a cute little house near pretty much everything we need it to be near. We are much closer to my mom's now, so that makes visiting a little easier. I'll take a photo of the house and get it posted soon.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Lucky Me

Despite of the problems I've been having lately, I am feeling incredibly lucky right now. Why you may ask? Because I can ask myself this question and smile. How many people in this whole entire world can look out their window any weekend or holiday morning between 8:30 and 9:00 and see a man riding down the street on a unicycle with a backpack carrying juggling pins while juggling balls? As far as I know, only the people who live in my little corner of the world known as Wyoming, Ohio, and maybe some carnies and circus folk, can see this. I'm not kidding. I mean really, how could I make that up? Why would I make that up? There is nothing I gain from making up some juggling unicycler for the amusement of lying to you, dear reader.

Seeing this man makes me smile every time, no matter what I am thinking, no matter what is going on. If I didn't fear bothering him, I would lie in wait for him one morning, let him know what seeing him does for me, and insist he allow me to photograph him in the documentary photo journalism way that he deserves. As a man sticking to a routine that he loves and bringing joy to this one troubled woman.